
Mark Sardella Lecturing Thursday at Renesan

Slides for this presentation are posted here:  Renesan 2010 (PDF - 1.4Mb)

I'll be giving a 2-hour lecture entitled "Santa Fe Self Reliant in Energy? Local Ownership? Yes!" this Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Saint John's United Methodist Church (the "pumpkin church") in Santa Fe. The event is hosted by Renesan, and admission is $10 ($7 for Renesan members). The first hour will be a slide presentation covering the basic principles of Community-Based Energy and giving an update on where the energy industry and our community are headed, and then we'll take a short break and come back for a lively, interactive discussion. Hope to see you there!

For details visit Renesan's website or call 505-982-9274.


Mark Sardella at Garcia Street Books

My work in energy is profiled in a new book entitled "Voices of the American West" by Corinne Platt and Meredith Ogilby, and I'll be at Garcia Street Books in Santa Fe this Saturday to sign copies. I am very proud to be included in this book alongside energy pioneers such as Amory Lovins and Randy Udall. The book is currently #4 on the Denver Local Bestsellers List!

Courtney White, Executive Director of the Quivira Coalition, is also profiled in the book and plans to be there on Saturday as well.

Corinne and Meredith are coming down from Colorado for the event, so come on out on Saturday at 2:00 for a discussion and refreshments and to get a signed copy of the book! See you there!

For details, call 505.986.0151


Event: The Mondragon Cooperative Experience

Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta, 1915-1976 (Founder, Mondragon Cooperatives)The Mondragón Cooperatives in the Basque region of Spain are the oldest and most successful worker-owned cooperatives in the world.

Come hear what made them possible and why they continue to prosper in these difficult economic times.

Presenter: Lisa Aldon, MA, CPP
Thursday, April 23, 6:00pm
Santa Fe Complex, 624 Agua Fria St, Santa Fe


Download a Flyer of This Event


Listen for KUNM Commentary Today

I will be reading another commentary today on KUNM today...please tune in! It will air at around 5:44 this afternoon. This one is about the power of creating local markets for energy, and the utility shenanigans that have been suppressing them.

In case you miss it, I will post it right after it airs.


Mark Sardella on KUNM Today at 5:45 p.m.

I recorded a short commentary for KUNM last week, and it airs Monday (today) at 5:45 p.m.  The piece is about an odd phenomenon that seems to happen a lot with energy news stories, wherein the story that's told isn't the whole story. Are you clear on what's going on in the clash between Russia and Georgia, for instance?

So remember to tune in, and I hope you like it!  I’ll post the text after it has aired.